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    Clorius Controls A/S celebrated 100th anniversary in 2002.
See brochures and articles about Clorius Controls.

Traditions and visions
Clorius specializes in the development and production of equipment for monitoring, controlling and regulating heating, cooling and ventilation.

The product range consists of valves, thermostats, pressure difference regulators and electronic controllers. The products make up a complete range within our field of expertise. We have a long-standing tradition of delivery to the ship building industry, industrial applications as well as building heating and ventilation. This means that our products and services are developed in order to match the high requirements set by the maritime industry.

Clorius Controls was established in 1902 with development and production of equipment for temperature control. Through 100 years we have developed our knowledge about monitoring, controlling and regulating heat and ventilation. The products and the technology have gone through a dynamic development, and today we offer an up-to-date product range to match today's requirements regarding advanced technology, user-friendliness and reliability.

Our vision is to ensure the most reliable and most economic solutions.

International reach
Clorius Controls delivers equipment for shipyards and shipping companies all over the world. Both for new constructions and repairs.

Our equipment is constructed to comply with the high requirements from the maritime industry, and Clorius is well known for its ability to match the demands for certification and quality control.

Secure delivery and reliable co-operators are important factors when you want to keep a ship running all year. This is why Clorius offers buffer stock of valves and regulating equipment according to maritime specifications, and we ensure reliable delivery to the harbours where the equipment will be taken on board.

Clorius Controls A/S is a member of The Danish Export Association.

Clorius Controls has a team of service technicians working with adjustment and error detection in control technology for heating, cooling and ventilation systems.

We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We offer checkups, analysis, error detection and instructions for all types of regulation equipment.

Clorius Controls deliver valves certified by Lloyds, D.N.V. a.o.
Our quality control system is ISO 9001:2008 certified.
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