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Xuzhou ARCA Chemical Machinery Co. Ltd., the Chinese investor of Xuzhou ARCA Control Valve Co. Ltd., holds 72.5% shares and Germany investor holds 27.5%. The company owns over 300 employees and is equipped with the horizontal machining center, digital control machine tool and over 200 pieces of processing equipment for various specialized machine. The company is also equipped with advanced material spectrometer and a full set of low-temperature test equipment. At the same time, the company possesses other equipment like precision casting lines, 100,000 dust-free plant integral assembly, spray plastics or painting line, auto-inspection device for products performance, etc.
After continuous innovation for 30 years, the company has come through from the stage of importing and absorbing overseas advanced know-how technology to the way of innovative products, which possesses autonomic intellectual property, such as series 100 single-seated cage control valve, series 812 pneumatic diaphragm actuator, series 824 valve positioner and series 827 smart positioner, series 760 triple-eccentric butterfly valve. All of these products have been in leading level in domestic industry of this line. Among which, series100 linear-stroke compact single seated or cage control valves have been awarded 2000 National New Product by the State Economic and Trade Commission.
The quality of our series products, based on autonomic intellectual property, high and new technology, with the performance roboticizedly controlled and inspected can be guaranteed and upgraded. Our products get wide recognition from clients in different fields including petrochemistry, petrol, metallurgy and electric power industry. We have got The People's Republic of Special Equipment Manufacturing License, Certificate of ISO9001-2000 and HSE Management System, which ensure the excellent quality and advanced technology of our products.


1950 徐州化工机械厂成立。
1978 化工部下达计划任务书,总投资500万元,徐州化工机械厂被定点为化工部生产调节阀企业。
1978 化工部装备总公司委派徐化机为引进的 13套大化肥装置 -30万吨合成氨、52万吨尿素配套调节阀的国产化进行测绘及制造。
1989 徐州化工机械厂更名为徐州化工机械总厂。
1995 徐州化工机械总厂与德国阿卡公司,在德国签订关于引进德国阿卡公司最新调节阀生产技术以及双方共同合资成立,徐州阿卡控制阀门有限公司的协议。
1996 徐州阿卡控制阀门有限公司开业典礼。
2006 徐州化工机械总厂改制成功,更名为徐州化工机械有限公司。
2008 徐州阿卡调节阀工程技术研发中心成立。

In1950 Xuzhou Chemical MachineryFactory was Founded.
In1978 Xuzhou Chemical Machinery Factory was Assigned as Specified Enterprise of Control Valve by Chemical Ministry With Total Investment of Five Milion Yuan.
In1978 Xuzhou Chemical Machinery Factory was appointed by Chemical Ministry to Manufacture and Inspect the Control Valves for Localiztion of Manufactures of Thirteen Large scaled Fetilizer Devices with The Annual Yield of Ammonia Synthesis of 300.000 Tons and Urea of 520.000 Tons.
In1989 Xuzhou Chemical Machinery Factory was renamed as Xuzhou Chemical Machinery General Plant.
IIn1995 Xu zhou Chemical Machinery General plant signed the agreement that Xuzhou ARCA Control Valve Company, Ltd was Founded as a Joint venture invested by both parties, introducing the advanced technology of control valve from ARCARegler GmbH Germany.
In1996 The establishment ceremony was held for Xuzhou ARC Control Valve Company Ltd.
In2006 Xuzhou Machinery Plant was successfully restructured and its name was changed as Xuzhou Chemical Machinery Co. Ltd.
In2008 Xuzhou ARCA Research & Development Center of Regulating Valve Engineering Technology was founded.
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